Work with me

All for trying new things is a blog where I do just that-try new things.  My hope is to inspire the reader to try new things as well.  I want to give them creative ways to make their life easier and more fun.

I pick something new each post (it could be a food item, a health product, a place to travel, kid stuff, mom stuff, maybe even jumping out of a plane) and research it until I can give qualified and educated advice on the best thing to try, the benefits of it, the best kind or brand.

If I am recommending a place to travel to, I make sure I give tons of fun things to do while they are there.  If I am writing about some natural health product, I test as many as I can to let them know the best brand.  If I am trying out a certain food, I research the best way to prepare it and give a few recipes and health benefits of it.  The sky is the limit (literally)!

I would love to work with you to test out products and have my readers join me on this journey to try new things!!   I am open to try ANYTHING and write about my experience with it.  I can work with your company in the following (but not limited to) capacities.

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Product Review
  • Advertising
  • Guest Posts
  • Collaboration
  • Event Appearance 

Please contact me with any opportunities or questions –