
Hello world!

Welcome to All For Trying New Things!  This is the first post on my blog, which right now is my outlet to be able to branch out and try new things.  I want my family and I to build our best life. and although we have a very happy existence right now, I want more adventure.  I will start out small with little things in our lives that have simply made it better or easier to navigate, but hope to build this to a point where we will be taking you on our adventures with us in hopes that you as well are inspired to try new things.  Let’s see how many times I can use the phrase “try new things” in this first post- LOL!! 

First a little about me and my adorable little family.   

I have know my husband since the 4th grade!!!  We grew up in the same small town, doing most of the same stuff and knowing all the same people.  However, we did not travel in the same circles and were not really friends (although I always thought he was cute!  He doesn’t believe me on this!)   After we graduated high school, we both went on to live our own lives, but both staying in the same valley we grew up in.  Long story short (a phrase my 6 year old loves to use),  we reconnected 14 years later!! And of all places-Facebook. 

Anyway, here we are now!  We’ve been married for seven years.  We have a six year old boy named Liam.  He is in the first grade.  He loves all things boy!  Which is actually amazing considering he is always surrounded by girls! He has played T-ball for the last two years and will continue on to baseball this year.  He LOVES riding his bike.  Ever since training wheels came off,  it’s hard to get him off that bike.  He also likes typical kid stuff-cartoons, YouTube, his ipad. He is super in to science and just recently started reading and loves chapter books.  He is a sweet, stubborn, big hearted, strong willed kid!  We have learned a lot about kids with this little spit fire!!

We also have a 4 year old daughter named Ellis!  She cracks us up everyday!  She is smart, sassy, sweet and chill.  She loves dolls, dress up, and animals (I mean she LOVES animals).  She has always told us she will grow up to be a doctor, but I am convinced she will become a veterinarian.  She also loves bike riding and anything outdoors, all things crafts, drawing, painting and making slime!


As a family, because we were all born and raised in Montana, we love the outdoors.  Although since it is winter at least six months of the year, we do enjoy summer a bit more.  We love to go hiking on the many family friendly hiking trails in our area (a blog post I hope to write in the future).   However, the kids do love to get out in snow as much as they can, which is great because if forces me to get out and enjoy what our awesome state has to offer.  We also love taking road trips to neighboring towns to see what they also have to offer (future blog post alert).  We also enjoy time with our two dogs, two hamsters and a fish.

Super unflattering pic of me!  But the kids look cute!

So, after a little background from us,  I want to tell you why I started this blog.  I stay home with my kids and I LOVE it!  I get to walk my son to school every morning.  I get to hang out with my daughter during the day (as I sit here typing this, she is telling me about her Trolls dream she had last night where Poppy and Branch came alive and became her friends).  I get to sit and chat with my husband when he comes home for lunch.  However, now that my kids are in school full time and part time (soon to be full time),  I think it’s time to take some time for me!  I love taking care of my family and will always do so, but now with a little free time, I want to explore some cool new stuff to try and invite you all along to join me.  I will post about everything from …

  • Local travel and hopefully further… down the road (lame joke)
  • Cooking with kids- letting my kids come up with new recipes and helping the learn to cook (kids trying new things)
  • Coming up with new craft ideas -move over slime (oh who am I kidding! I am goal driven to perfect that slime recipe)
  • Finding new and exciting family friendly activities (Liam has been wanting to try an Escape Room)
  • Trying new natural remedies for kids (who loves elderberry?!)
  • Local stuff- hikes, Fall in MT, gardening and much more
  • I will come up with more ideas as I go and am interested to hear new ideas for me to try out before you try them (I will be the guinea pig)

I am so excited about this new venture to try anything and everything I can to bring a little excitement to my family and help out my reader to want to become adventurous as well.  Even if it’s with the small things! Thanks!!!!