
French Toast Sausage Sandwiches

My family loves breakfast!  On week days, we are usually in a hurry getting everyone out the door so breakfast usually consists of cereal or waffles.  On the weekends, however, we love to have a big family breakfast.  We like to try new recipes all the time, and usually tweak the recipe so that it is exactly how we like it. My kids have just recently wanted to start helping me cook, so I have been letting them come up with the recipes.  At first they came up with ridiculously absurd breakfast ideas.  You know the ones that consist of everything they can see in the pantry and often times they want some form of candy as the main ingredient. When they realize that I would actually let them plan the meal and help cook it, they got a little more serious about it.  So I have let my six year old, Liam help me cook french toast many times.  He loves it and is getting quite skilled with the spatula.  He can flip it over in under five tries now.

When he decide his first recipe was going to have something to do with french toast, at first he wanted something sweet with cream cheese.  The more he though about it, the more he knew it needed something meaty (his words).  So he came up with Liam’s French Toast Sausage Sandwich.  While I’m sure this isn’t a new concept, it was new to him and he was very excited to make it.

***As always when cooking with children take extra safety measures.  As the adult always to do cutting and turning on the stove.  

Finished Sandwich

The ingredients are….. and syrup.  Forgot to add that to picture….

French Toast Ingredients plus syrup

Mix milk, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla…

Adding vanilla to egg and milk mixture

Dip slices of bread….

Dipping bread

Start cooking French toast and in the meantime start sausage and eggs…

Once done…. assemble.  More detailed instructions below.

He is so proud

French Toast Sausage Sandwich Recipe


Prep time: 5 min

Cook time: 15 min

Total time: 20 min

Makes:  4 Sandwiches

  • 8 Eggs (4 for mixture, 4 for sandwiches)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 Dashes of cinnamon
  • Tbsp vanilla 
  • 8 Slices bread -we used sourdough
  • Syrup
  • 4 Sausage patties


  • Grab a bowl or container that your bread will fit in. 
  • In that container whisk milk, 4 eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon.
  • Place a slice of bread in mixture to coat each side.  Tip: Do not soak the bread or it will fall apart and get too soggy when cooking.
  • Place bread on pre-heated pan or griddle and cook 3-4 minutes on each side until a golden brown.
  • In the meantime,  get out two skillets.  
  • In one skillet, place sausage patties and start to cook.  Cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side. Tip:  Before cooking, squish patties so that they are the same size and shape as bread.
  • In other pan, cook eggs to your liking.  Salt and pepper eggs.
  • Once everything is cooked, assemble sandwiches.  Place one slice of bread on a plate and drizzle with syrup.  Place sausage on top of that, then top it off with the egg.  Drizzle other side of bread with more syrup.  Place on top of the rest.
  • Enjoy!