
Elf on the Shelf Shenanigans

Our Elf on the Shelf has been visiting our family for almost 4 years now.  We started out with one that showed up when our son was 3.  He came all wrapped up in sparkly Christmas paper in his original box complete with a book about his journey and purpose.  The book read that the child he showed up for is suppose to name him.  So our son, who was obsessed with The Avengers at the time (he still currently has a giant Hulk painted on his wall that my husband designed for him. ),  named him Hulk.  He is no longer “into” The Avengers and has recently asked to change the name of his Elf.  We told him that is something he will have to ask his Elf this year.  We will see what happens.  

When our daughter was almost 3,  another Elf showed up.  This time a girl.  Our sweet daughter name her Sascha.  She currently has two teddy bears with that same name.   Sascha had been here for a few day when showed up in a doll dress and letter explaining that she would like to borrow the dress from one of Ellis’ dolls for the time she is here.  She has been wearing it ever since.

Our elves are quite funny and definitely fun!  They pull pranks and do silly stuff.  We told our kids they do these things because every night they take the long trip back to the North Pole to report back to Santa and when they get back, they need to have a little fun to blow off steam.  When they first came, they just did little things, but the longer they are here, the more elaborate their fun has become!

Sascha in her new dress
Sharing a drink
Roasting marshmallows 
Building a Lincoln Log house
Taking the animals for a walk
What’s up ladies?
This is by far the simplest one, but by far my kid’s favorite.  The elf hides in a jar so the kids can carry them around without touching them so they don’t lose their magic.
Do you wanna build a snowman…on the door?
Book Tower
The race is on
Snowball Fight
Making new friends
Elf and Pony Race
Snowball fight
Just fishing for Goldfish
Where’s Hulk?
Princess Sascha
Elves taking a class on how to use tools

I hope you enjoyed these Elfing Shenanigans and are able to draw inspiration from them in the future elfing years to come.