
Cauliflower Buffalo Chicken Soup

Cold weather soup series When I was planning this meal, it was Super Bowl Sunday and snowing like crazy outside. Usually for Super Bowl Sunday, I would cook up some buffalo wings, make some pizza sticks (Recipe here) cut up some cheese and crackers. However, this time I wanted to cook something hot, filling… Continue reading Cauliflower Buffalo Chicken Soup


Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches

Finished Scrumptious Sandwich What kid doesn't like dessert?  Especially a decadent, chocolatey mess of a dessert?  I know my kids do.  They especially love helping me make desserts!  My four year old Ellis is our resident dessert expert.  She dreams up all sorts of yummy ideas.  So when I told her she got to come… Continue reading Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches


French Toast Sausage Sandwiches

My family loves breakfast!  On week days, we are usually in a hurry getting everyone out the door so breakfast usually consists of cereal or waffles.  On the weekends, however, we love to have a big family breakfast.  We like to try new recipes all the time, and usually tweak the recipe so that it… Continue reading French Toast Sausage Sandwiches